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Oil To Gas Conversion's

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The number one reason to convert...                                                     photo (3).jpg

Long term, gas heat is more affordable.

Oil company's love old boilers that

heat your hot water in the summer.

How else can they stay in business?

With gas heat there is no middle man

making extra profit's on delivery.

Heating your hot water by gas heat in summer will save you hundred's of dollars.

You get billed for your gas usage at the end of the month, not when the oil truck shows up on your day off!

Gas company's will never shut off your gas supply in the winter months if you lose your job, or have rental units.

Enjoy your summer's with gas heating your hot water and never worry about running out


So get down to your basement today and really figure out were your getting your heat and hot water from!


Check out our recent installs and more on Twitter.